Analysis of cadmium (CD) and Lead (PB) Content in Losari Beach Waters and Its Relationship to Water Quality


Patang .
Harifuddin .
Andi Heryanti Rukka


The research aim was to analyze the content of Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb) in Losari Beach Waters and their relationship to Water Quality starting from the Jeneberang upstream of Gowa Regency to Losari Beach, Makassar.The observation station consists of 5 stations, namely Station 1 is Jeneberang upstream, Station 2 is Bili-Bili Dam, Station 3 is Sungguminasa of Jembatan Kembar, Station 4 is Jeneberang of estuary, and Station 5 around Tanjung Bayang, Losari Beach, Makassar.The results showed that cadmium (Cd) content in fish samples was still high because it was in the range of 0.01 ppm, while sediment and water are still good. The content of lead (Pb) in water is still low except at station 4, which is around the river mouth Furthermore, water quality such as temperature, pH and oxygen are still optimal.


How to Cite
., P., ., H., & Rukka, A. H. (2018). Analysis of cadmium (CD) and Lead (PB) Content in Losari Beach Waters and Its Relationship to Water Quality. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 6(9). Retrieved from

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