Institutional and Government Relations 4.0: Far Beyond Technology


Rodrigo Navarro


The work presents perspectives on the future of the Institutional and Governmental Relations (I&GR) activity, showing trends that include – and go far beyond – the use of technology in this complex area. Through active research, direct participation and observation of the author, who has been working in this arena for more than 30 years, main shifts in the non-market context where this activity is developed are presented, and then the consequent key changes and implications are listed on three fronts: within organizations, inside the areas of I&GR, and related to the professionals who work on them.

This way, it is intended to throw more light on what to expect from the I&GR activity in the future, guide training, and further improve practice, fostering reflections that can be considered useful by academics and practitioners in the area, helping to improve and demystify the activity, thus contributing to increase the chances of organizations to achieve strategic objectives when dealing with key stakeholders, especially those related to the external environment.


How to Cite
Navarro, R. (2022). Institutional and Government Relations 4.0: Far Beyond Technology. The International Journal of Business & Management, 10(2).