Impact of Immunization in the Reduction of Mortality and Lethality Rates by COVID-19 in Brazil


Santos, Pedro Henrique Carvalho
Cruz Ytalo Gustavo Silva
Reis, Geovane Rossone
Pereira Hiago Aparecido Soares
Ribeiro Mônica Cristina Siriano
Siriano Letícia Sampaio


In January 2020, a new coronavirus genetic material, Sars-CoV-2, was developed sequentially, allowing several studies to be released worldwide in search of a vaccine. In March of that year, the first vaccine was introduced and entered the human testing phase. In this scenario, this project aims to perform a correlational and comparative analysis between the immunized population of the federation units and the federal district with mortality and lethality rates by COVID-19 through statistical data treatment. The study was conducted in a statistical, retrospective study, with data available in sites linked to the Ministry of Health and the state health departments. In addition, for statistical treatment, the correlation of the data found and linear regression will be performed. Thus, all data will be gathered through data from DATASUS and the sites of each unit of the federation, covering the entire immunization period in which the country is being submitted. After data collection, they will be grouped and tabled using excel for Windows® and Word for Windows® software tools for making charts and tables. State data related to the number of immunized individuals will be compared by the students' T-test and compared using the SPSS® software. Based on the data collected, it is expected to have an overview of the impact of immunization on the reduction of COVID-19 mortality rates in all states of the country.



How to Cite
Carvalho, S. P. H., Silva, C. Y. G., Rossone, R. G., Soares, P. H. A., Siriano, R. M. C., & Sampaio, S. L. (2022). Impact of Immunization in the Reduction of Mortality and Lethality Rates by COVID-19 in Brazil. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 10(12).

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