Relative Efficiency Criteria for the Six Specific Calculus Optimum Values Second Order Rotatable Designs with a Practical Example on Twenty-Four Points


F. K. Koech


In this study we focus on the existing six specific calculus optimum second order rotatable designs in three dimensions denoted by M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, and M6 as illustrated in the text form. A design matrix X is developed from the designs and the information matrices C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, and C6 are obtained and hence the relative efficienciesA-, D-, E-, T and I/IV- for the six specific Calculus optimum values designs are evaluated. From the results it is evident that the determinant criterion (Deff) for the six designs has the highest relative efficiency average. is found to be the most efficient design as compared to the rest.


How to Cite
Koech, F. K. (2022). Relative Efficiency Criteria for the Six Specific Calculus Optimum Values Second Order Rotatable Designs with a Practical Example on Twenty-Four Points. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 10(4).