Implementation of Art Education Theory in the World of Education


Nova Hariyanto
Kun Setyaning Astuti


Education in the future plays a fundamental role where the ideals can be achieved, this fundamental role includes intellectual intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and emotional intelligence. Bendara Raden Tumenggung Harya Suwardi Soerjaningrat known as Ki Hadjar Dewantara said that educational efforts are aimed at (a) refined mind, (b) intelligent brain and (c) healthy. These three efforts are efforts to form a complete human being physically and mentally, that is intelligent, healthy and noble character.

Art education as an integral part of the education system tries to maintain the cultural characteristics of the nation in the midst of globalization that is symptomatic in Indonesia. Moreover, students who are the main actors in the world of education are the millennial generation. Various educational problems arise when faced with modernity. One of them is social media. They prefer to see and read social media than books. Education needs a new breakthrough so that the educational process can hit the millennial generation.

The demands of development force us to balance needs and quality so that we are able to face the challenges. The flow of globalization that offers convenience in various ways makes human become complacent in a life that is practical, fast and instant. Certainly this is a challenge for the world of education, especially art education.

For this reason, the use of concept maps in art education will support the occurrence of a meaningful learning process for students. Students will learn by connecting new paradigms that have been known previously, with concepts about art and the progress of the times that must be understood and mastered by students. In responding to the challenges of the times, creative and innovative (art) teachers are needed by utilizing all-digital technology media, so that the students can master the material quickly and optimally. The use of fun learning methods and extraordinary technological developments can create a conducive and enjoyable learning atmosphere.



How to Cite
Hariyanto, N., & Astuti, K. S. (2022). Implementation of Art Education Theory in the World of Education. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 10(2).