Instilling Politeness through Sugeng Enjing Song


Apsi Santi Muninggar Sari
Kun Setyaning Astuti


The purpose of this study is to discuss about instilling polite character in students through Sugeng Enjing song. This study employed a qualitative approach with meta-analysis. The results of this study is that instilling polite character in students can be done by using a Javanese song entitled Sugeng Enjing. Based on the lyrics of the song, there are four messages of polite character that must be instilled in students, namely: apologizing when doing something wrong, saying thanks when receiving things, answering other people's greetings and saying permission when passing in front of other people. Teaching this song is expected to help instilling politeness in students.


How to Cite
Sari, A. S. M., & Astuti, K. S. (2022). Instilling Politeness through Sugeng Enjing Song. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 10(2).