Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement in Development Projects: A Framework for Stakeholder Analysis and Participation


Lewis Pumulo Sooli


The review of various stakeholder techniques shows that using one tool may not show conclusive results in stakeholder engagement. Each tool reveals different aspects and levels of stakeholder participation. While several stakeholder techniques are meant to improve and facilitate project management, the proposed framework highlights other factors to be included in the analysis for maximum impact.

The framework attempts to demonstrate that stakeholder participation and improving coordination between the various players is a vital linkage to enhancing the impact on the project. This can be done adequately by the effective involvement of stakeholders and defining who they are, assessing their level of interaction, the risks they pose to the project, their concerns and interests, and stating their various roles in the implementation and management of projects. Building knowledge of the stakeholder expectations through the proposed framework could facilitate their participation and subsequent involvement in project activities and management. However, this participation has to be balanced between the stakeholders and the project needs for maximum positive impact and success.

Though the study is inconclusive, empirical data can be collected for this model/participation framework.


How to Cite
Sooli, L. P. (2022). Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement in Development Projects: A Framework for Stakeholder Analysis and Participation. The International Journal of Business & Management, 10(8). https://doi.org/10.24940/theijbm/2022/v10/i8/BM2208-019