Project Life Cycle Costing and Sustainability of Public Housing Upgrading Construction Project in Kibera Soweto Slum in Nairobi City County, Kenya


Vivian Wangigi Muriuki
Perris Wambui Chege


Plenty of public housing construction projects exist at different implementation stages in Nairobi City County, Kenya, and most of them have failed to balance sustainability during the project lifecycle. The Public construction projects have failed to incorporate economic, environmental, and social factors leading to the growing gap between demand and supply of houses which has, in turn, contributed to the continued failure of housing in the country. The research mainly focused on determining the relationship between project life cycles costing on the sustainability of public housing construction projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The research incorporated both descriptive and explanatory research designs. A target population of 90 respondents comprised professionals from the six organizations involved in the project. The findings established that initial costs affected the sustainability of public housing construction projects. From the findings, it was evident that both maintenance costs and end-life costs affected the sustainability of the Kibera public housing project. Finally, research established that operation cost was used to explain public housing construction projects in Nairobi County.


How to Cite
Muriuki, V. W., & Chege, P. W. (2022). Project Life Cycle Costing and Sustainability of Public Housing Upgrading Construction Project in Kibera Soweto Slum in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The International Journal of Business & Management, 10(7).