Managing Change within a Project Context: Local NGO's Experience


Rehema C. Batti


Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) implement change in order to improve performance and efficiency. Therefore, understanding what makes change management a successful process is crucial. Secondary research suggests that for a change process to be effective, it requires a vision, objectives, change framework, commitment of employees, change readiness, consistent communication, involvement, strong leadership and understanding the change context. This study sought to establish factors that trigger change and affect change management using a single case study of an NGO. The study adopted a qualitative approach and interviewees were selected using purposive sampling method. Data was collected using a piloted semi-structured interview guide. The study observed that both internal and external aspects influenced how organizations manage the change process. The study identified that some activities undertaken to some extent aligned to Kotter's 8 steps and this concurs with research studies that suggest that change frameworks when contextualized, may be useful and applicable among NGOs. Based on the findings the study recommends the development of a comprehensive change management plan that focuses on the technical and people aspects, undertaking organizational force field and stakeholder analysis, development of change management capacity, adoption of a learning perspective and development of a change measurement strategy


How to Cite
Batti, R. C. (2021). Managing Change within a Project Context: Local NGO’s Experience. The International Journal of Business & Management, 9(8).