The Implementation of Waste Assessment Model for the Sustainable Improvement of IGD Services in the Era Covid-19: A Case Study for IGD Services Rsia Cinta Kasih


Nida Khoiriah
Nofi Erni
Anastina Tahjoo


The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in changes to the emergency service flow. Changes in the flow of emergency services can result in a long service time, causing a build-up of patients. Meanwhile, the accumulation of patients in the COVID-19 era facilitated the transmission of infection to other patients and workers. Waste identification using the Waste Assessment Model (WAM) Lean hospital could be a solution to reduce the accumulation of patients in the ER so as to prevent the transmission of infection transmission to either patients or workers. Descriptive analysis with qualitative methods carried out through observation to 45 maternal patients who will be hospitalized and in-depth interviews and giving an eight-waste relationship questionnaire to 14 experts, found that the critical waste of emergency services at RSIA CintaKasih is a waste of human skills by 15.5%. In the context of continuous improvement, the principles of administrative control for COVID-19 with the formation of the COVID-19 Team, Guidelines for Emergency Services in the Covid-19 Era and continuous outreach to hospital workers are recommendations for the continuous improvement of emergency services at RSIA CintaKasih in the era of COVID-19.


How to Cite
Khoiriah, N., Erni, N., & Tahjoo, A. (2020). The Implementation of Waste Assessment Model for the Sustainable Improvement of IGD Services in the Era Covid-19: A Case Study for IGD Services Rsia Cinta Kasih. The International Journal of Business & Management, 8(11).