IT's Role in Reshaping Work Culture & Organizational Behavior - Remote Working as a Case in Point: A Case Study about "Maktabi" Project of the PDO Company


Fatma Saleh Hilal Al-sawai
Blossom Christina


This paper presents a brief study on the impact of using information technology in reshaping the work culture and organizational behavior, and its impact on the performance and productivity of human resources at Petroleum Development Oman Company that a case study about "Maktabi" project of the PDO Company. As well as, identify the extent of the variance in using information technology as a remote working and its impact on the performance, productivity, commitment and discipline of human resources with the demographic factors. The research was relying on the descriptive approach. The study focused on 169 employees out of the 300 employees from population of the study by responding to a questionnaire as a primary tool in data collection as well as interviews were conducted with the Maktabi project team lead from HRM department, and infrastructure planning lead from IT department. After processing the data with the statistical analysis software (SPSS version 26), the results of the study showed that there is a relationship between the use of information technology and the performance, discipline and productivity of human resources, this confirms that PDO recognizes this importance in order to improve and develop the performance of their human resources. Also, there is a variation in the impact of the use of information technology and the performance, discipline and productivity of human resources in PDO according to demographic variables except the discipline and commitment that has nothing to do with the level of experience. In addition, PDO Company seeks to adopt electronic management methods by using the information technology optimally that to gain productive human resources and achieve a competitive advantage in the business world. The findings suggest that integrating the information technology within the institution as a necessity to keep pace with the rapid technological, as for technical security, they have to emphasis on security of data by forming a special team for security cyber within each institution.


How to Cite
Al-sawai, F. S. H., & Christina, B. (2020). IT’s Role in Reshaping Work Culture & Organizational Behavior - Remote Working as a Case in Point: A Case Study about "Maktabi" Project of the PDO Company. The International Journal of Business & Management, 8(9).