Internship Program Effectiveness: A Job Opportunity


Taahir Ahmad Bocus
Ng Yong Sheng
Mohd Remie Mohd Johan


Internship is increasingly become an essential component of undergraduate program in higher education. It provides students with many benefits such as enhancing valuable working experience, increasing job performance, strengthening their interpersonal skills as well as establishing a professional network in order to assist them to have a higher chance in getting job upon graduation. This main purpose of this study was conducted to examine the relationship between internship factors with university graduates' job opportunity. In order to answer the research questions, a quantitative research method was chosen and online survey has been carried out. Person Product Moment Correlation has been conducted to explain the relationship between dependent and independent variables in this research. The results of this study imply that the four factors; working experience, performance, interpersonal skills and social network has a significant relationship with job opportunity. This indicates that students who emphasized and equipped with this four variables could increase their chances of getting job after complete their education.


How to Cite
Bocus, T. A., Sheng, N. Y., & Johan, M. R. M. (2018). Internship Program Effectiveness: A Job Opportunity. The International Journal of Business & Management, 6(9). Retrieved from