Priority Sector Lending In Kerala: Current Issues


Peter John
Joseph James V.
Ratheesh C.


This study attempts to analyse the present issues of priority sector lending in Kerala.  Bank group wise, bank wise and district wise analysis is made with respect to the priority sector lending in Kerala. The study also analyses the performance of Kerala banks in relation to the National sphere. A sector wise analysis is also made. In Kerala, even though the Priority sector lending is satisfactory and above the national level targets, still there exists certain sector wise,  district wise, bank wise, and bank group wise disparities. A combined effort of bank authorities and Government is the need of the time to reduce these disparities, in order to lift the marginalised sections of the society to the main stream of development.


How to Cite
John, P., V., J. J., & C., R. (2013). Priority Sector Lending In Kerala: Current Issues. The International Journal of Business & Management, 1(11). Retrieved from