The Multiple Linear Regression Model for the Quality of Word-of-Mouth on Facebook


Ai Zhong HE
Ngoc Long Nguyen


The current study explores the simultaneous impact of personality traits and Facebook usage on the quality of Word-of-mouth (QWM). The numbers of positive and negative feedbacks commented upon a product/service-related status on Facebook are utilized to measure the QWM. The big five personality traits are employed to account for different characters of participants in the study. The selection of variables relating to Facebook usage are based on criteria of previous studies, comprising the average time to use Facebook weekly, the experience of Facebook account, the number of friends, the gender, and the age of Facebook users. The study results show that there are a simultaneous impact of personality traits and Facebook usage on QWM. Finally, a multiple linear regression model was constructed for the estimation of QWM.


How to Cite
HE, A. Z., & Nguyen, N. L. (2016). The Multiple Linear Regression Model for the Quality of Word-of-Mouth on Facebook. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(3). Retrieved from