Performance Appraisal on Job Performance in the Tema Metropolitan Mutual Health Insurance Authority


Sonal Agarwal
Isaac Doku


The study was primarily aimed at finding out the effect performance appraisal has on employee job performance at Tema Metropolitan Mutual Health Insurance Authority. This was carried out because of the problems performance appraisals create between appraisers and appraises when it is being carried out in organizations since most people especially managers and subordinates do not know the effects it has on an organization's performance. In all, 45 out of 60 respondents were sampled. Questionnaires were used to collect data in relation to the topic. Both close-ended and open-ended questions were used. The results were analysed using graphs and tables. The result indicates that performance appraisal has a positive impact on job performance. However, the insurance firm is not enjoying full benefits of performance due to biasness or unfairness, poor supervision, inadequate logistics and lack of education. Since performance appraisal helps in identifying weaknesses in the performance of the employee, we recommend that, once these weaknesses are identified, it should not just be paper work but also training workshops should be organized for employees in order to equip them with the requisite skills they need for optimum performance.


How to Cite
Agarwal, S., & Doku, I. (2018). Performance Appraisal on Job Performance in the Tema Metropolitan Mutual Health Insurance Authority. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(3). Retrieved from