The Roots of Corporate Storytelling through Orality and Literacy


Burcu Eker Akgöz


Stories are communication tools that have formed the societies and conveyed the culture from past to present. For centuries, societies have conveyed their customs and traditions to next generations by means of stories. As one of the most significant communication tools, stories later began to take part in commutation practices of corporations as well. Corporations just like societies explicate their cultures, histories, visions, missions, goals and objectives to their employees, target audiences and stakeholders by means of stories. The goal of this study is to describe the place and significance of storytelling in communication practices of corporations, having explained the significance of stories which are an important part of oral and literate cultures. This study concludes that corporate stories feature characteristics of both oral and literate culture and they are current extensions of both culture and essential elements of the corporate culture.


How to Cite
Akgöz, B. E. (2016). The Roots of Corporate Storytelling through Orality and Literacy. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(3). Retrieved from