Enhancing Slab-Ware Production through Design and Fabrication of Ceramic Slab-Srtips Extruder in Nigeria


Dr. Sunday Esosuakpo


In ceramics, slab method is one of the three basic techniques adopted in the production of wares. The use of the method and mass production of slab wares is easily achievable through the use of equipment such as the slab-strips extruder. The non-availability of the equipment in Nigeria for slab-strips production discourages ceramists from the production of wares that requires the use of slab-strips. Therefore, to curb this challenge, this paper takes a look at enhancing slab-ware production through the design and fabrication of ceramic slab-strips extruders in Nigeria. To guide the fabrication, a technical drawing of the equipment is made, materials for fabrication are locally sourced from junk sites to reduce cost, and parts are fabricated to sizes and shapes and assembled to form the complete slab-strips extruder. In carrying out a trial test, the equipment successfully produced slab-strips. The paper provided insight into the possibilities of fabricating ceramic equipment locally and expanding the frontiers of knowledge of waste materials to fabricate ceramic equipment, thus improving our economy. It concluded by recommending, among others, that indigenous fabrications should be encouraged as it will improve studio ceramic practice, reduce the rigour of slab-strips production, reduce dependency on foreign-made equipment, provide employment for our graduates, enhance technological development in Nigeria and improve our national economy.   
