The Role of Tracheostomy in Bronchoscopic Removal of Tracheobronchial Foreign Bodies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Foreign body (FB) aspiration causing obstruction to the tracheobronchial tree is an ENT emergency.
Removal is usually done by Bronchoscopy. Rigid or telescopic, depending on what is available at the centre. However, successful removal and stable postoperative period may not be achieved without tracheostomy as an additional procedure. Sometimes, thoracotomy and bronchotomy may be done to achieve a successful treatment.
A total of thirty (30) cases were recorded in this study, information retrieved from operating theatre, ENT and surgical wards. Retrieving information recorded, were age, gender, presenting symptoms and type of foreign body recorded. Results of chest x-ray were also relevant and recorded.
Both rigid and the telescope were used in retrieval of foreign bodies in those cases, (30 cases), however, six (6) cases required tracheostomy for successful treatment. The indication of tracheostomy was basically persistent obstructive symptoms despite removal of foreign body.
Tracheostomy is sometimes mandatory in successful bronchoscopic removal of tracheobronchial foreign bodies, especially when the foreign body is vegetative.