Volumetric and Abrasion Loss Properties of Asphalt Mix Modified with Used Toner Ink
The research centered on the effect of used toner ink (UTI) as bitumen modifier in asphalt mix as paving materials with respect to the volumetric properties and durability. In this research, UTI are proportioned into the asphalt binder for mixing the asphalt concrete in percentages of 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%. Marshall and Cantabro loss tests were carried out on the hot asphalt mix. All the percentage proportion of used toner added was evaluated with the following parameters: voids in the mineral aggregates (VMA), voids in total mix (VTM), voids filled with asphalt (VFA), Marshall stability, flow value, and specific gravity. It was observed that asphalt mix with UTI performed better under loading as the UTI in the asphalt mix increases. The highest Marshall stability was observed to be 32,352N at 6% UTI, also there is reduction in the optimum bitumen content as the UTI, which helps in reducing the amount of bitumen needed in the course of asphalt pavement construction. In respect of this research further asphalt pavement design can be modified to provide pavement that can be more sustainable and durable over a long period of time, thereby reducing the cost of asphalt mix production.