Intra-Specific Crosses in Tomato (SolanumLycopersicon L.) for Improvement of Fruit Quality: A Strategy for Enhanced Food Security


Gbadamosi, A. E.
Osekita, O. S.
Ajayi, A. T.
Ajileye, O. D.
Okere, A. U.


Breeding programme on improvement of tomato fruits and seed production were conducted in the cropping seasons of 2017 and 2018 on three genotypes of tomatoes NG/AA/SEP/09/042, Akungba 1 and Akungba 2. Randomized complete block design replicated three times was adopted on seedlings raised in the nursery for 2 – 3 weeks and transplanted at a spacing of 30 cm x 60 cm within and between rows. Morphological and yield traits were measured and all cultural practices such as weeding, thinning, pest and disease control measures were carried out in order to ensure a disease-free condition and clean environment. At flowering stage, crosses were carried out on the genotypes and successful fruit set were monitored till maturity, ripen fruits were plucked and seeds extracted from the berry, air-dried under ambient temperature of 270C to 300C and relative humidity of 60 – 70% for about 5 – 6 days. Among crosses, the highest percentage fruit set of 77.04% was obtained in BxC followed by CxB with 75.65%; the lowest value of 66.67% was recorded in AxC. Aborted crosses were highest in CxA (31.58%), followed by AxB (29.31%) while the lowest (24.04%) was obtained in BxC. Except for the number of locules, quantitative traits were significantly different from one another; PCV was greater than GCV for all traits and highly significant positive correlation existed between number of fruits per plant and number of clusters per plant. Marketable fruit size and weight with beefsteak shape were obtained in BxC and AxC crosses.
