Innovation of Guidance and Counseling Method by Assimilating Local Indigenous: Case Study of Dwijendra's Ethical-Spiritual Values Implementation


Dwi Umi Badriyah
DYP Sugiharto
Rustono, M. Hum
Ida Bagus Yudha Triguna


This study describes the Dwijendra's ethical values and implementation method to change the student character and behavior. Dwijendra's ethical-spiritual values was construct based on "Mokshartam Jagadhita ya ca iti Dharma” and combined with local wisdoms. The implementation process of Dwijendra's ethical-spiritual values includes: pawintenan saraswati, (2) dharma wacana, (3) dharma sadhana, (4) evaluation and reflection. It can give an insight and contribution to construct a model of guidance and counseling in school.
