Effects of the Twelve-Step Facilitation Treatment on Alcohol Consumption among Third Year Students at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana


Christian Evadzi


Although alcohol consumption among students exists in the university and there are a number of studies to that effect, there is no intervention study that puts the Twelve-Step Treatment to test. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the effects of the Twelve-Step Facilitation Treatment on alcohol consumption among the participants who consume risky and abusive levels of alcohol. Out of 4,653 population, and using Krejcie and Morgan, 160 was selected using simple random technique and administered the questionnaire. Based on this, 51 met the inclusion criteria, however, 40 were selected at random for the intervention. Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test developed by the WHO was used to collect quantitative data in this Quasi-experimental study. Data were analyzed using One-way ANCOVA where pre-test scores were compared to post-test scores after eight weeks of the twelve-step facilitation treatment. The findings showed that the Twelve-Step Facilitation Treatment was effective in reducing alcohol consumption among the participants significantly. It is recommended that University Counsellors should make use of the Twelve-Step Facilitation Treatment in counselling undergraduate students with risky and abusive alcohol consumption behaviour.
