Neo-Marxism and Post-Marxism: Dimensions, Discourses in Theoretical Modification and Development


Essien Blessing Stephen
Okon Donatus Efiok


The saying that ‘no theory is sacrosanct' is justified in Marxism specially when juxtaposes the obsessions of the Neo-Marxists and Post-Marxists against Marxism as a socio-political and economic theory. This paper therefore undertook a discussion on Marxism, Neo-Marxism and Post-Marxism with the primary aim of noting the consensus and dissensus arising there from these two broad perspectives within the Marxian paradigm. The discourses centred on the dimensions and thematic areas that underlie the central nucleus of Marxian theory. The paper noted that though Neo-Marxist and Post-Marxist are Marxists in outlook and orientation, their perspectives differ significantly from the traditional Marxism. Both Neo-Marxist and Post-Marxist are receptive of ideas from functionalism, system theory and rational choice theory and therefore advocated for conflict- structuralism within Marxism.
