Determinants of Effective Monitoring and Evaluation: Pre-requisite for County Government Funded Infrastructural Development Projects


James Mushori
Francis Apollos Machira
Johnson Matu


This study sought to establish the determinants of effective monitoring and evaluation of County government funded infrastructural projects. The term effective is used to mean whether the project monitoring and evaluation has or can achieve its objectives. The study identified three independent variables which included staff technical skills, budgetary allocation and stakeholder participation. Not only does best practise require that projects are monitored for control but also project stakeholders require transparency, accountability for resource use and impact, good project performance and to benefit future projects. Therefore, the study shed insight on the aforementioned benefits. The study was carried out using descriptive survey research design. The study location was Nakuru East constituency in Nakuru County and as such a beneficiary of county funds for infrastructure projects; the elected Members of County Assembly (MCA), resident engineer and the residents of this formed the target population. There are 157167 residents, one resident engineer and five elected members of county assembly from this a random sample of 387 residents was sought for the study out of which 341 respondents participated. Also, a census was conducted for technical comprising of the resident engineer and the MCAs resulting to a total of six. The study employed questionnaire interview format as its primary data collection method. There were two kinds of questionnaires; one for the technical team which include the MCAs and resident engineers and the other for the stakeholders. Two research assistants were identified and trained on research tools and procedures. The primary data collected was edited, coded and organised into manageable summaries whereby both qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques were used using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Quantitative data collected was analyzed, presented and interpreted using both descriptive statistics while thematic analysis techniques was used to analyze qualitative data collected in the open-ended questions. Linear regression analysis was used to establish the relation between independent variables and dependent variables; the regression equation was Y= 1.311+0.349X1 + 0.405X2 + 0.69X3. The regression equation indicated that taking all the three variables at zero, effectiveness of monitoring and evaluation was1.311. According to the findings it was concluded that all the three variables were significant (p<0.05). The study is intended to inform both the county and national government of effectiveness of monitoring and evaluations of infrastructure projects funded by county and play a vital role in strategic planning for county infrastructure development.

