Hypothetical Application of C-Matrix via GIS in Road Network Analysis of Oriire Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria


Babalola Obasanjo James
Ogundele Ayodele Victor
Remi Aworemi
Christopher A. Wojuade
B. B. Ayantoyinbo
Solomon Onilede


Given the crucial of geographical information system (GIS) in road network analysis and management within the society, this study offer hypothesis on the use of simple matrix to evaluation road network connectivity. The was carried out in Oriire local government area of Oyo state with the total area  of about 2,116km2 and 206, 782 projected human populations. Multistage sampling was adopted to select seven (7) villages including the agricultural market (Tewure). Secondary method of data collection was used which incorporates, data acquisition, scanning and remote sensing. It was found out that maximum of these villages are connected with minimal of three (3) routes with Onigba connected via 5 (five) routes that's the most connected village unluckily, Onigba was not made the principal marketplace. Although the GIS result shows their connectivity however it was also revealed that maximum of the routes have seasonal accessibility. It was concluded that, the local government therefore ought to come to their aids.
