The Effect of District General Assembly on the Performance of National Council of Persons with Disabilities in Rwanda


Ndayisaba Emmanuel
Mulyungi Patrick


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of District General Assembly on the performance of National Council of Persons with Disabilities in Rwanda. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The target population included 8,490 enlisted people with Disabilities in Rwanda from which a 138 respondents were obtained using Glenn's model.  A closed ended questionnaire was used to obtain data from the respondents. The data was subsequently analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, Version  Results showed that cumulatively 77.25% of the respondents did not concur that the structure affects the hierarchical development, while 22.75% agreed that structure affects the hierarchical development. Further, the respondents affirmed the inexistence of more noteworthy profitability, more prominent usage of assets or increment of proficiency. I addition the majority differed on the effect of structure on hierarchical adequacy. Similarly, a majority did not agree that authoritative structure affects hierarchical viability. In line with the findings the study concluded that National Council of Persons with Disabilities to a great extent relies upon its structure as it fundamentally influences authoritative execution, development, viability and creativity goals. Moreover the study conclude that when a reasonable hierarchical structure exists,  representatives  perform  better,  duties  are  well-ascribed  and  execution  increments and that a well-planned structure is a precondition for long haul execution. On the basis of the findings the study recommends that administration ought to basically break down the adequacy and productivity of the authoritative structure as a significant indicator of execution. Appropriate structures ought to be taken care of set up to accomplish set objectives and goals; and non-performing associations ought to upgrade their structures so as to achieve the normal execution. 
