The Predictive Validity of Mathematics and English Literature on Year One and Two Law Courses in Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
Among the many professions in the world is the legal profession that has been from ancient times been classified as a "noble profession” that not being enough it is presently referred to as a "learned profession” and members call themselves "learned friends” a term that tends to connote epitome of knowledge. That being so, the investigator set out to study the "predictive validity of some of their entry requirement subjects (Mathematics and English Literature) on law courses during the first two years of study using Delta State University Abraka (Oleh Campus) for the investigation. The aim was to establish the relationship between Mathematics and English literature and their performance in the first two years of entry (admission). Data collection was done based on the records available at the Delta State University Abraka. Six research questions and six hypotheses were formulated and answered using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r). the standardized regression coefficients Beta or β ‘showing 95.0% confidence interval with an upper and lower bound for the six predictors were checked. The result of this study showed that Mathematics and English literature as a prerequisite subjects for admission into the faculty of law in Delta State University has a negative relationship with Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). With the six null hypothesis accepted and with the coefficients having the 95% confidence interval for Beta showing lower and upper bounds all cutting across zero.