Implementation of Shallow Seismic Refraction for Geotechnical Parameters Determination at New Cairo Industrial City, Egypt
The Egyptian government is involved in establishing many industrial and urban zones on the borders of the capital and governorates, especially in the new cities. The study area is the proposed site for the establishment of the industrial zone of the city of New Cairo, 25 km from the old capital and is considered one of the most promising industrial zones in Egypt. The study was mainly conducted to map the subsurface geological conditions in the region, as well as to interpret the data in terms of the geotechnical properties of the underlying rock material. The study included seismic refraction survey obtained using forty-five (45) profiles to cover the study area.Main findings, which can be deduced from the examination of different seismic records along different seismic shapes in the study area, the interpreted geophysical cross-sections elucidate a three-layered model. When converting Geoseismic layers of velocity values into three litho logical layers, the surface layer consists of clay (a mixture of soil, clay and gravel), the second layer consists of Marley limestone layer, and the third layer is hard limestone.Dynamic geotechnical parameters of the base layers were detected by the seismic refraction method for the use of P-wave and SH-wave velocities in the study area. This study proposed a classification of the basic rock materials in the area investigated for engineering purposes based on all the criteria which calculated to three areas (high, moderate and low competent material zones) with different in its suitability to engineering purposes.