Ethnobotanical Survey Of Antihypertensive Agents In Sokoto, Northwest Nigeria
The study was undertaken to obtain an inventory of the medicinal plants used in traditional medicine to treat hypertension. A total of forty respondents were interviewed of which 65% were males and 35% were females. This population comprised of traditional medical practitioners (45%) and herbal sellers (55%). They were interviewed using semi- structured questionnaires and open- ended conversations. The inventory of the medicinal plants is summarized in a synoptic table, which contains the scientific name, local name (Hausa or Yoruba), frequency of citation, the plant part used and literature references on antihypertensive property. The families of the species were also documented. The study indicated 34 plants belonging to 30 families, some of whose antihypertensive property have been validated in literature. The plants frequently included in antihypertensive recipes were Allium sativum Oleo europaea, , Commiphora krestiggi, Moringa oleifera, Acacia linotica and Hibscus sabdarifa. The leaf (62.85%) represented the dominant morphological part used.
In conclusion a large number of medicinal plants are used in Sokoto in the treatment of hypertension some of which have been validated in literature.