Counterattack On DoS Attack In Wireless Communication Due To Jammers


Bhaumik K. Machhi
Sheetal Mehta


The commodity of the medium in wireless networks makes it easy for an adversary to launch a Wireless Denial of Service (WDoS) attack. All current research work demonstrates that such attacks can easily be accomplished. For example a jammer can continually transmit a radio signal in order to block any access to the medium by legitimate wireless nodes. Jamming techniques can vary, from simple ones based on the continual transmission of interference signals, to more sophisticated that rely on exploiting the protocol used for communication among wireless devices. In this survey we present a detailed reference to all jamming attacks been recorded in literature since now. In addition, we illustrate various techniques that were introduced in order to detect the presence of an adversary node as well as the mechanisms proposed for protecting the network from such attack.
