Mango Leaves in Treating Diabetes: A Strategic Study
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) results from insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to use insulin properly, sometimes also with an absolute insulin deficiency. This form was previously referred to as non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or "adult-onset diabetes". Prevention and treatment often involve: a healthy diet, physical exercise, not using tobacco, and being a normal body weight (WHO, 2013). Type 2 diabetes may be treated with medications with or without insulin. Insulin and some oral medications can cause low blood sugar, which can be dangerous.
The methodology pertaining to the study - Effect of Mango Leaves on treating Diabetes, was sequenced under the heads, viz. selection of area, selection of sample population (patients), collection of data and conducting the study, diet counseling and questionnaire-cum-interview schedule, administration process of mango-leaf powder and finally the evaluation of blood glucose level, before and after, administration of diet counseling, medicines and mango-leaf powder.
The sample of 30 patients were broken down in three groups, Group-A (who were on counseled diet and medication), Group-B (who were on counseled diet and medication, were administered mango-leaf powder), and Group-C (who were on counseled diet and medication, and were administered a placebo in the form of mint-leaf powder). The blood glucose level of all the subjects (30 in number) in three groups were tested and recorded. Fasting and post-prandial sugar levels were recorded and assessed. The results of the three groups were compared to see the effectiveness of the mango-leaves in controlling diabetes.
Group A proves that there was a reduction of blood sugar level (FBS and PP correspondingly) of the patients after about a month, during which time they followed a strict diet and medication. Group B proves that there was remarkable reduction of blood sugar level (FBS and PP correspondingly) of the patients after about a month, during which time they followed a strict diet and medication and mango-leaf solution. Group C proves that there was a slight reduction of blood sugar level (FBS and PP correspondingly) of the patients after about a month, during which time they followed a strict diet, medication and placebo (mint-leaf). The study confirms that the subjects who were under diet counseling, medication and mango-leaf powder showed considerable reduction in blood sugar level.