Increasing HIV Awareness through Reduced Sexual Provocations: Implications for Dipo Initiation Rite among the Krobos in Ghana


Agra Florence Emefa
Gbadegbe Richard Selase


The study was carried out at Krobo in the Eastern Region of Ghana to investigate the Dipo initiation and create awareness of HIV and other STDs through a campaign for reduced sexual provocations in the Dipo Rite. The Descriptive (Qualitative) research approach was used describe variables and the various stages of the research.  Interviews and observation were the major data collection tools used; because most of the respondents could neither read nor write. Majority of respondents (435) who participated in the study were females while only (15) respondents were males. The Sample Population of the study in terms of numbers was pegged at (450) respondents.  Past, current and new initiates were interviewed. A major finding of the study is that Dipo Rite grants premature sex instead of preserving the virginity of the initiates. This explains why the HIV/AIDS prevalent rate in the Yilo- Krobo (Somanya) District is very high. The study recommends that Dipo Rite should be transposed in order to curtail the negative effects it has on the initiates. To achieve this, it is strongly recommended that the dressing of the initiates should be modified to cover the thighs, breasts and all vital parts of their bodies.  The study further recommends that Queen Mothers and Custodians of Krobo should be involved in the education of the youth against premature sex. Also, the education on HIV/AIDS and other STDs should be incorporated into the educational phase of the Dipo Rite and the age of the initiates reconsidered.
