A Study on Boron Content in Tea Soil


Dr. Ishan Phukan
Samina Saffique
Priyanka Borah
Arup Baruah
Asrafa Jahan


Attempt was made to delineate the distribution pattern of hot water soluble boron (HWB) in soil profiles supporting tea in few tea estates of south Bank. In each garden representative soil samples were collected from three tea fields supporting tea of different age groups viz., youngish mature (5-10 yrs), mature tea (20-25 yrs) and old tea (>40 yrs) and estimated for hot water soluble B using Azomethine H spectrophotometric method. Results showed that the average hot water soluble B, irrespective of age group, varied from 0.16 to 0.36 mg/kg.  Results also indicated that with the increase in the age of tea, B content in soil was found to decrease irrespective of tea estates.
