A Three Year Review of Maternal Mortality in a District Hospital on the West Coast in South India (April 2011-2014)


Dr. Sharan J. Pal
Dr. Mrudhula
Dr. Arun Rao


Aim and Objective:

  • To study the causes behind maternal deaths in the 3 year review period.
  • To analyze the trend of MMR over 3 years of study.
  • To evaluate  preventable causes and use the  data to take measures to reduce MMR

Materials And Methods: It is a retrospective study from April 2011 to April deaths 2014 that occurred at LGH  during pregnancy and 42days of delivery of any cause. Maternal mortality cases were identified from the registry and the corresponding files were retrieved from the hospital  medical records section. The details were recorded in the designed  proforma  &Influences of variables such as age, parity, gestation from at diagnosis,  MMR  is  Calculated

Results: There  were 26 cases of maternal mortality of the 18430deliveries in our hospital from April 2011 to April 2014 our MMR thereby being  135.6/ 100000 .Of the 26 deaths,7( 26.9%) were due to PPH,5(19.5%)due to pre eclampsia,4(15.3%)due to sepsis,10(38.3%) due to medical disorders Anemia was seen in 17(65.3%)patients of 26 maternal deaths in this study severe anemia was seen in 5(19.2%)

Conclusion: In conclusion we would like to focus on anemia correction, educating the health

Care Providers to recognize complications of pregnancy and delivery, early referrals to Higher centres and use of primary measures to tackle atonic PPH.

