Effect of Biofertilizers on the Growth and Development of Mung Plant under Normal and Salt Stressed Conditions


Dr. Rabia Badar
Iqra Aslam
Asif Ilyas


The given research evaluates the effect of biofertilizers on the growth and development of Mung plants (Vigna radiata). The biofertilizers was given to the plants as compost. Four different types of Trichoderma sp. were composted using Wheat bran as a carbon source @ 10 tons per hectare. The result showed that, Living forms of microorganisms induced an overall higher increase in growth and developments of plants. Salinity treatments also reduced all growth parameters as compared to control untreated plant. Whereas, the application of Trichoderma overcomes the inhibitory effect of salt on plant growth. Trichoderma spp. promoted the root growth and shoot growth of the mung plants as compared to the untreated plants. The promotion in length of the studied plant was significant with the application of living biofertilizers alone and along with low concentration of salinity (i.e.0.2 % NaCl).
