A Project Report On "Status Of Dairy Farming In Odisha”
Dairy farming in Odisha employed more than 60 percent of total work force in agriculture and allied activity. The milk production status is increasing each year in Odisha. The milk production was 2.20 million ton in 2010-11 with per capita availability of milk 136 gms. There is total of 14.3 million of milch cattle up to 2007. Majority of dairy farmers are small and marginal farmers. Although OMFED is operating for more than three decades, new players have come. Among all the new players in milk processing area, Milk Mantra is growing at a high pace. Odisha dairy farmers are lagging behind the use of modern capital inputs due to lack of investment. Credit supply to odisha agriculture is not demand oriented rather it is supply driven. The specific need of the farmers are not considered and analysed. In this paper, the dairy farmer in Odisha has been classified according to the herd size, land holding, way of marketing and use of technology. The present scenario of Odisha dairy farmers has been clearly described from their challenges to a profit making case study. The green fodder cultivation is the important cost effective technique which is not used by farmers of Odisha.