Constraints, Challenges and Opportunities of Horticultural Crops Marketing in Ambo Town, Ethiopia


Mosisa Chewaka Aga


The study was conducted to investigate the constraints, challenges and opportunities of horticultural crops marketing in Ambo town. A total of 96 retailers were randomly selected for an interview. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis was made descriptively. Results of the study showed that both women and men participated in fruits and vegetables retailing business, of these and 41.7% of the respondents were between 20 to 30 years of age and 36.5% were 30 to 40 years of age. The highest percentages (78.1%) of the respondents had some education and were able to read and write. Almost all of the respondents were selling their commodities along the road side and in area where there is inconveniency for perishable products. Inappropriate marketing place, shade, storage, packaging and transportation practices were identified as principal causes for the fruits and vegetables post-harvest loss and short shelf-life in the study area. About 53.1% post-harvest losses were found due to the lack of shade. Therefore, challenges are essentially required to support these retailers from different stakeholders in fruits and vegetables storage, transportation, infrastructures establishment, in sanitation of the market place through training and capacity development in the logistical supply chain to reduce the various losses.

