Consumer Protection of the Goods Delivered Does Not Accordance with the Online Purchase Agreement in the Framework of E-commerce


Christopher P. Lumbangaol
Janus Sidabalok
Wawasan Halawa


The purpose of this study is to determine the responsibility of business actors for the goods delivered that are not in accordance with the sale and purchase agreement made through E-Commerce; as well as knowing the process of returning goods that are not in accordance with the sale and purchase agreement through E-Commerce and the process of sending back goods that are in accordance with the sale and purchase agreement through E-Commerce by business actors.

This research is descriptive, using normative-empirical research combining normative legal approaches with various empirical elements. Normative-empirical legal research focuses on research on the enforcement or implementation of normative legal provisions in action on certain legal events that occur in society.

The results of the study indicate that consumer protection for the goods delivered is not in accordance with the agreement within the E-Commerce framework, which can be implemented by submitting a return of goods and/or funds, and if the business actor does not carry out his obligations, this means that there has been a violation of the rights of the consumer. The other party (the buyer) and the legal consequence is causing losses. The responsibility of business actors for goods that are not in accordance with the agreement in electronic commerce has not been specifically regulated in the UUPK and UUITE, but in principle business actors can be held accountable in electronic commerce through contractual liability related to losses suffered by consumers.


How to Cite
Lumbangaol, C. P., Sidabalok, J., & Halawa, W. (2022). Consumer Protection of the Goods Delivered Does Not Accordance with the Online Purchase Agreement in the Framework of E-commerce. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 10(4).