Law Enforcement against Crime Traffic Accidents The Causes of Death through Restorative Justice Approaches


Henny Saida Flora


Law enforcement has always involves the people in it and also involve human behavior. The law can not be upright by itself means that the law is not able to realize its own promises and the will of those listed in the regulations of law. Law enforcement in Indonesia must comply with the public sense of justice with regard to legal certainty in each individual. The application of restorative justice as a form of resolving cases of traffic accidents have a significant role to meet the interests of the victim and the perpetrator, because the purpose of restorative justice is to restore the relationship between the offender, victim and community. In its application the cause of death would set the perpetrator and the victim to the position of mutually beneficial and rewarding for both. The role of law enforcement officers are substantially reduced in monopolizing the process of resolving cases of traffic accidents. Restorative justice requires the cooperative efforts of the community and the government to create an environment where victims and perpetrators can reconcile their conflicts and improve their old wounds.


How to Cite
Flora, H. S. (2015). Law Enforcement against Crime Traffic Accidents The Causes of Death through Restorative Justice Approaches. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(8). Retrieved from