Time-Sharing Contract under Jordanian Legislation
This research aimed to examine the prevalence of time-sharing contracts, which have experienced significant growth both locally and globally in recent times. The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Jordanian legislation in addressing the legal aspects of this contract and ensuring adequate protection for contractors, particularly in the context of its widespread adoption in the tourism sector.
- The study yielded several key findings, among which the following are particularly significant:
- Various terms are used to refer to the time-sharing contract, indicating a lack of standardized terminology in the field.
- The ownership of shares within the time-sharing contract falls under a distinctive category of contracts known as composite compliance contracts, which involve multiple elements and considerations.
The study also provided several recommendations, including:
- It is recommended that the Jordanian legislator establish specific legislation to regulate time-sharing contracts,
- The existing general rules in the Jordanian Civil Code are inadequate to effectively govern this contract, which has emerged due to practical circumstances.
There should be a clear determination of the appropriate court to manage disputes arising between investors and beneficiaries involved in time-sharing contracts. This will ensure a streamlined and efficient resolution process.