Psychological Design-Based Intervention to Help Someone to Quit Smoking


Ayodele Oluwole Ojebiyi


The study aims to design a psychologically based intervention to assist individuals in quitting smoking. Smoking is said to add to many health challenges, such as cancer, lung diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. A critical review of some electronic databases such as Cinahl, Embase, Ovid Medline, Web of Science, and ProQuest Central was extensively searched to identify relevant scholarly journals until December 2022. Five 'A's model was adopted and aimed at assisting a smoker in quitting smoking. These are:

  • Ask (Do you use tobacco),

  • Advise - Flawless, robust, tailored messages like 'I can be of assistance to you.'

  • Assess - Could you consider quitting as a trial in the next 45 days?

  • Assist- Will assist the patient via quitting provided counselling, increase quit motivation, and pharmacotherapy to assist them.

  • Arrange - Follow-up sessions and/or attendance of the smoking cessation. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Counselling and Telephone, and Smoking cessation support, among others, are part of behavioural interventions.


How to Cite
Ayodele Oluwole Ojebiyi. (2023). Psychological Design-Based Intervention to Help Someone to Quit Smoking. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 11(2).