The Challenges Faced by Women Professionals in the Development of the Society in Nigeria


Sarkinfada Halima
Umar Maimuna Rabo


The paper discussed the challenges faced by women professionals in the development of the society in Nigeria. Women have always played an important role in the progress of a nation, even as they emerge as, scholars, poets, writers, reformers and administrators Nurses, Mothers Leaders in various spheres of life. They have also contributed to societal development as professionals in all field of human endeavours. Though women have triumphed in pursuing careers and professionalism but they still envisage some challenges in crucial aspects of life. This challenges have served as deterrent to women development some of these challenges include: traditional and cultural challenges, religious challenges and economic challenges. The paper also considered some professional challenges such as negotiation and networking and building long-lasting business relationships, emotions spoil leadership skills, women tend to push themselves too hard, balancing work and family life, low risk-bearing ability, and delegation. In conclusion Women played an important part in drawing attention to the role of women in the development process of the society.  For a long time now there have been tough competitions against male counterpart since most of the fields have been dominated by men.  It is therefore, necessary that we revisit the level of inequalities and disparity that exist in among male and female counter part in Nigeria, if we will make good development impact in the lives of all citizens. The more time we give women, and their contributory opportunities to the development of the house hold income and ownership of land and other capital income generating ventures, the better their chances of seeking and having justice in their work and community issues.


How to Cite
Halima, S., & Rabo, U. M. (2022). The Challenges Faced by Women Professionals in the Development of the Society in Nigeria. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 10(2).