Determinants Influencing Utilization of Health Care Services in Public Hospitals among Old People Living in Rural Areas: A Case of Kasulu District in Tanzania


Minani Ntahosanzwe
Hossea Rwegoshora


Utilization of health care services continues to be one of the 21st century's global agenda especially among old people living in low- and middle-income countries due to their health vulnerability and accelerated increase number of the aging population. This paper aimed to assess determinants influencing utilization of health care services among old people living in rural areas of Tanzania. The study was conducted in Kasulu rural district covering three wards of Kimobwa, Nyenge and Nyachenda using descriptive cross-sectional study informed by two classical theories of disengagement and functionalist. Simple random and purposeful sampling procedures were used to obtain 323 participants which included 304 old people, six Social Workers, five Medical Doctors and eight Nurses. Collection of data was done by using questionnaire, in-depth interview, focus group discussion and observation. Thematic analysis was used to analysis qualitative data while quantitative data were analyzed descriptively using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to obtain frequencies, percentages and statistical measures for triangulation purposes.  Study findings revealed that social-economic determinants, availability of medicine and diagnostic instruments and distance to health facility has a strong influence on utilization of health care services among the old people in Tanzania. The study strongly recommends that, the government should provide financial support to poverty-stricken families caring for old people, introduce mobile clinic or home based care to old people and raise awareness on health education among old people.


How to Cite
Ntahosanzwe, M., & Rwegoshora, H. (2021). Determinants Influencing Utilization of Health Care Services in Public Hospitals among Old People Living in Rural Areas: A Case of Kasulu District in Tanzania. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 9(12).