COVID and E-Learning, Is It a Curse or a Blessing for Kenya's Education System? Evidence from Selected Public Universities in Kenya


Edith Naliaka


Emergence of COVID 19 could be a blessing as it has triggered much needed reforms of introduction of E-Learning in Kenya's higher education system as away promoting of access amidst budgetary constraints. However, COVID 19 could spell doom to Kenya's education sector if E-Learning programs are not effectively undertaken. This study aimed at evaluating effectiveness of E-Learning Program in Kenya's public universities. The study aimed evaluating administrative support, state of digital infrastructure and home environment and how they were impacting on effectiveness of E-Learning. The study was undertaken in 5 selected Public universities. The respondents were 80 lecturers, 400 students and 2 academic registrars. Data was captured using questionnaires and interview schedule. The study established that though E-Learning provided the greatest opportunity for promotion of continuity of Learning in higher institutions amidst COVID and opportunity to address the challenge of budgetary constraints and access, the reforms in implementation of the same was low coupled by inadequate digital infrastructure, ill prepared lecturers and learners and unsupportive home environment. The study concluded that there is need to hasten reforms by developing relevant digital infrastructure, enhancement of students and staff training and sensitization of various stakeholders on the need to embrace E-Learning failure to which may see E-Learning become a curse for Kenya's Higher education.



How to Cite
Naliaka, E. (2021). COVID and E-Learning, Is It a Curse or a Blessing for Kenya’s Education System? Evidence from Selected Public Universities in Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 9(6).