Valletta: A Systematic Literature Review


Andrew Camilleri
Andrew Azzopardi


Valletta is the capital city of Malta and is located on a peninsula which is heavily fortified occupying a land space of 0.8km2. Over the last twenty years, large changes to its population, physical spaces and cultural capital have occurred. This systematic literature review attempts to capture these changes and its impacts on the lived experience of the Valletta community by utilizing a search database to capture texts written about Valletta. From an initial sample of 499, after  several processes of screening and coding, 58 were deemed pertinent to the lived experience of the Valletta community. After reviewing the various texts, several underlying conflicting discourses were identified. Future directions for further research are provided to deepen the academic knowledge about Valletta.


How to Cite
Camilleri, A., & Azzopardi, A. (2021). Valletta: A Systematic Literature Review. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 9(6).