The Intelligent Based Jigsaw Model (JBCC) as an Effort to Increase Study Motivation, HOTS, and Basic Student Learning Outcomes


Deitasmalina Musa
Mery Napitupulu
Amran Rede
I Komang Werdiana


This research is research and development education or Research and Development (R&D). The study was conducted in SD Palu Selatan District with a limited sample test conducted in class V at SDN 1 Tatura. The area test was carried out at four elementary schools in South Palu District. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that: (1) the design of the JBCC procedure as an effort to increase learning motivation, HOTS, and student learning outcomes, is carried out procedurally through development syntax: origin group discussion - expert group discussion - back to the homegroup - quiz game - assessment. Instruments that are declared valid and suitable for use consist of JBCC diagram and matrix design, teacher and student questionnaires/interviews, lesson plans, teacher and student activity observation sheets, learning motivation, HOTS FRISCO and Bloom's Taxonomy. (2) teachers' perceptions of JBCC on average 89.14% with a very high response category and students agreed with an average score of 4.27, and the response presentation reached 85.39% (very high); (3) significant differences between the control class and the experimental class in the limited test, namely: students' learning motivation; In the little difficulty, the difference in the scores of classical learning motivation between the control class and the experimental study is 0.21, and the percentage is 4.21%. The difference in HOTS assessment results is an average of 0.46 and a rate of 9.20%. Learning ability based on Bloom's Taxonomy level is 0.13 on average and 3.03%. Significant differences between the control class and the experimental class in the comprehensive test (five sample schools): learning motivation averaged 0.93, and 1.8% HOTS averaged 0.32 and 6.12% the Bloom Taxonomy level is an average of 0.15 and a percentage difference of 2.89%. From the research results, it can be concluded that the JBCC development model can be used as an effort to increase learning motivation, HOTS, and student learning outcomes.


How to Cite
Musa, D., Napitupulu, M., Rede, A., & Werdiana, I. K. (2021). The Intelligent Based Jigsaw Model (JBCC) as an Effort to Increase Study Motivation, HOTS, and Basic Student Learning Outcomes. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 9(4).