Moral Dilemmas: Analysing Predictors of Student Ethical Ambiguity in the Praxis of EFL/ESL Homework Assignments, Ethiopia


Amensisa Wakuma Rundassa


The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between students' engagement and achievement motivation on prevailing EFL/ESL homework assignments. Therefore, their attitudes had been gathered and later positioned in a wide array of moral dilemmas. The investigation planned out sequential mixed research (QUAL® QUAN) to ascertain intervention. Here in, then, sixty five (n= 65) freshman students of 2011E.C were participated; out of these, 58(89%) were males whereof 7(11%) were females. They are from three kinds of age groups: 19 (6%), 20(86%) and 21(8%).The selection traced on purposive sampling wherein triangulation of open-ended questionnaire, unstructured interview and closed-ended questionnaire designs tethered the framework. Finally, three important results appeared in the study: variables relationship, mean and standard deviation. In this way, the study come across significant relationship (r = - 0.63 level); and, the t-test showed the average mean 2.275 and   1.166 for male and female students respectively. Likewise, the standard deviations were 3.285 and 1.380 for male and female students respectively. The p-value reported was 0.028, which was less than presumed value or (p ≤ 0.05) and assumed to be appropriate. At last, the study designed intervention mechanisms.


How to Cite
Rundassa, A. W. (2020). Moral Dilemmas: Analysing Predictors of Student Ethical Ambiguity in the Praxis of EFL/ESL Homework Assignments, Ethiopia. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 8(2).