PISMP Trainee Teachers' Level of Self-Efficacy at a Teacher Education Institute


Hilmi Ahmad Shaghir
Kwan Shwu Shyan


This study aims to describe the level of self-efficacy among semester 1 and semester 8 trainee teachers at a teacher education institute in Malaysia. In order to make the study to be more meaningful, the study also aims to determine whether there is any significant difference in self-efficacy between semester 1 trainee teachers who have undergone teacher training recently and semester 8 trainee teachers who have undergone teacher training for the past five and a half years at the institute. A total of 170 semester 1 and semester 8 trainee teachers involved in this study. The instrument used (SEGURU) for this study was the translation of Teacher Efficacy Scale. The result showed that the level of self-efficacy for semester 1 trainee teachers was at a moderately low level. While the level of self-efficacy for semester 8 trainee teachers was at a moderately high level in the range of 4.05 to 4.59 on the scale of 1 to 6. There was a significant difference in the level of self-efficacy between the semester 1 and semester 8 trainee teachers. Several steps were suggested to improve the level of trainee teachers' self-efficacy.  


How to Cite
Shaghir, H. A., & Shyan, K. S. (2018). PISMP Trainee Teachers’ Level of Self-Efficacy at a Teacher Education Institute. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 6(5). Retrieved from https://www.internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/129825