Protection for Women and Children Victims of Trafficking Based on PTPPO Indonesia and APOAPM Malaysia 2007: A Comparative Study


Karolina Sitepu
Roswita Sitompul


Today, human trafficking especially on women and children is a global issue and known as a trans-national crime. This study aims to reveal the laws concerning protection for women and children victims of trafficking in Indonesia and Malaysia. As a result, the research found that 5 out of 7 indicators showed that Indonesia is better than Malaysia in protection for trafficking victims. First, the consistency in Law implementation, second, provides shelter and training, third, assistance before the court; fourth, providing counseling, the last is restitution. Meanwhile, there is an indicator showed that Indonesia as well as Malaysia in sanction for illicit agent of the migrant worker. Furthermore, the only indicator which showed that Malaysia is better than Malaysia is in the number of trafficking case which sent to the court. As conclusion, researcher recommends revising APOAPM 2007 Malaysia. It is necessary, not only to protect all trafficking victims but also make the relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia better especially in providing protection for trafficking victims in their own territory.


How to Cite
Sitepu, K., & Sitompul, R. (2016). Protection for Women and Children Victims of Trafficking Based on PTPPO Indonesia and APOAPM Malaysia 2007: A Comparative Study. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(2). Retrieved from