Chieftaincy Disputes and Its Effects on Women and Children: A Case Study at Bawku Municipality, Ghana


John Onzaberigu Nachinaab
Francess Dufie Azumah


Chieftaincy disputes have multiple, long- and short-term impacts on women and children. The affects are felt at various spatial levels, within the immediate area of dispute, and often in neighbouring areas and national level as state resources are committed to solving disputes. This study sought from victims of the Bawku Chieftaincy disputes regarding the aftermath effects and coping strategies of women and children who suffered from chieftaincy disputes as well as suggestions from women on how to evade future chieftaincy conflict. The study involved a sampled of two hundred fifty-five (255) respondents who were chosen from various households in Bawku Municipality who were victims of the disputes. The study adopted snowballing sampling technique to select the sample size. The study found that the past chieftaincy disputes in the study area had affected both women and children in a larger extent. The study revealed that chieftaincy disputed had led to broken homes, single parenting, loss of life and properties among women and children. It was also revealed that the aftermath effects of chieftaincy disputes on women and children included; increase crime against women, lack of support after the conflict, and most children had drop-out of school after the conflict. The study further noted that the women and children adopted several strategies to cope with after the conflict. Some of the coping strategies the study established were that, women had to find support from extended family members, friends and manage their families on their own. The children on the other hand had to leave school to engage in active economic activities to support their mothers.  The study finally established that some measures could be adopted to avoid future chieftaincy disputes in the area. The study concluded that education on the aftermath effects of chieftaincy disputes on women and children could help avoid future conflict. It was also concluded that there should be promotion of peace and security to prevent the occurrences of future chieftaincy and that disputes should be settled as cordially as possible to prevent further disputes and also succession rules should be followed strictly by authorities.


How to Cite
Nachinaab, J. O., & Azumah, F. D. (2017). Chieftaincy Disputes and Its Effects on Women and Children: A Case Study at Bawku Municipality, Ghana. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(8). Retrieved from